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Bandhas in our Body

Let's learn what are Bandhas and how to engage them.

Bandha means to lock or hold. In the practice of Bandha, the energy flow to a particular area of the body is blocked. When the Bandha is released, this causes the energy to flood more strongly through the body with pressure. There are three main Bandhas:-

1️⃣Mula Bandha - Root Lock - contracting the pelvic floor muscles and lifting it up to the navel (i.e. Contract and use the muscles that stop you from going to washroom)

2️⃣Uddiyana Bandha - Abdominal Lock - contracting and lifting the abdominals up to the diaphragm and into the rib cage (i.e. draw your belly button in and up)

3️⃣Jalandhara Bandha - Throat Lock - tucking the chin close to the chest.

For core activation and engagement, Mula Bandha and Uddiyana Bandha works in synergy with each other. Engaging your core will help you to avoid any injury both on and off the mat.

When we engage all three bandhas, it's called as Maha Bandha.

You can practice engaging bandhas on and off the mat.

Controlling Bandhas = Controlling your mind + body = Controlling your life.

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