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Eight Limbs of Yoga

Lord Patanjali refers to eight-fold path leading to liberation as the Eight Limbs of Yoga or Asthanga (Astha means Eight and Anga means Limb):

☀️ Yama - Things not to do i.e. Restraints

- Ahimsa (Non-Violence)

- Satya (Truthfulness)

- Asteya (Non-Stealing)

- Brahmacharya (Right use of energy), and

- Aparigraha (Non-greed or Non-hoarding)

☀️Niyama - Things to do i.e. Observances

- Saucha (Cleanliness)

- Santosha (Contentment)

- Tapas (Discipline or Burning Desire)

- Svadhyaya (Self-Study or Self-reflection)

- Isvarapranidhana (Surrender to a higher power)

☀️Asana - Posture

The only alignment instruction Patanjali gives is "Sthira Sukha Asanam" the posture should be steady and comfortable.

☀️ Pranayama - Breathing Techniques

Prana means Breath, the very essence that keeps us alive, as well as the energy in the universe around us.

☀️Pratyahara - Sense Withdrawal

Pratya means to withdraw and ahara means to take in. When we are so absorbed into what we are focussing on, that things outside no longer bother us.

☀️Dharana - Focused Concentration

Dha means hold or maintain and Ana means Other or something else. Dharana and Pratyahara are closely linked. In order to focus on something, we need to withdraw all attention and in order to draw senses in, we must focus and concentrate intently.

☀️Dhyana - Meditative Absorption

When we become completely absorbed in the focus of our meditation.

☀️Samadhi - Bliss or Enlightenment

Sama means Same or Equal and Dhi means To see. The ability to see equally and without disturbance of mind, without conditioned by likes, dislikes, without judging or becoming attached to any particular aspect - that is bliss. After we have reorganized our relationships with the outside world and our inner world, we come to the finale of bliss.

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